Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!
Dr. Cliff (right) & his lawyer arrived late in the week, driving the Mazdalicious -- a mobile bar, complete with barstools and taps. With them they brought Wagner, whom Dr. Cliff and Carrie had dragged cross-country from Washington, D.C. to Burning Man.
(You're wondering, what about those photos you took of Wagner on the trip to Burning Man, eh, there? Well, those photos actually feature not Wagner, but Fake Wagner. The horror!)
Wagner and Fake Wagner hold a reluctant reunion aboard the Mazdalicious.
Photo taken from the Mazdalicious during an Art Car free-for-all road rally on the playa. Photo by Dr. Cliff (or his lawyer, I'm not sure)
NeighBarHoodians enjoy the hospitality of the Mazdalicious before the arrival of a hell-licious storm.