Those Unbelievable Believers:
The Blessed Sounds of
Incredible Christian Song Demos
#21 "Want More of a Tangy Yangy Yang" (2:57)
This tender ballad of plural love may have been intended for some gospel record company's Appalachian branch office, or perhaps Kolob records. I'm unAppalachian, so I don't know about Tangy Yangy Yang, but personally I'd be more inclined to call this song Twangy Yangy Yang. 'Cos holy twang, listen to this guy. He is my new Twang hero.
And again I say unto thee:

When I was a little boy, Mom & Dad had to fuss at me
'Cos I wouldn't drink Kool-Aid, milk, or ice tea
Always had to have me a big ol' fizzin' RC
Told 'em right quick-like that I liked stronger things
Wanted more things that's got more of a tang
Want more of a tang, tang, tangy-yang
Ang-yang-yang-yang tangy-yang yangy-yang. Yang.
My wife is like unsweetened tea
Another woman would be like a big ol' fizzin' RC
She'd have more of a tang, tang, tangy-yang
Ang-yang-yang-yang tangy-yang yangy-yang. Yang.
Mom & Dad was over the other night & they said, "Boy
Do you still drink those big ol' RCs?"
I said, "Yes, Mom & Dad, I don't mess with any milk or tea."
They didn't know I was callin' another woman a big RC
And my wife was like old milk
Unsweetened tea
Why, another woman's like 101 proof, eight-year-old Wild Turkey whiskey
There's more of a tang, tang, tangy-yang
Ang-yang-yang-yang tangy-yang yangy-yang. Yang.
My wife is like unsweetened tea
Another woman woman is like a big ol' fizzin' RC
There's more of a tang, tang, tangy-yang
Ang-yang-yang-yang tangy-yang yangy-yang. Yang.