hui road
Moondoggy and I live on Maui, right off of the Hana Highway. Here's the dirt and gravel road that leads to the jungle hut. That speck on the horizon is Wagner. Luckily for W, there's not much traffic.
jungle hut
And here's home, the excellent jungle hut. Although it's difficult to see in this photo, the hut has been built around a main octagonal room. Many of the windows are just screened, so sometimes it's kind of windy inside.
experience sole!
Vestiges of the original occupants, members of the "Love Hui," remain. Our front door reads, "Experience Sole, Please Remove Your Shoes!" Wagner has no problem complying, but finds the experience meaningless.
The view outside our kitchen window is pure jungle. Wagner admires a bunch of bananas that are almost ready to pick.

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