The guy in the Santa suit can't figure out how to work the gas pump.
Oh. That button.

The attendant didn't mind too much--she dug Lucky.

After filling the tank (with "unleaded regular" -- what's that supposed to be?), we set out down I-55. But the sound got worse, so I chose an exit at random, which happened to be the one for the Dixie Truckers Home & the Route 66 Museum, where they are apparently unaccustomed to celebrity-icon visitors.

Not Just a Truck "Stop"
It's Dixie Truckers' Home.

Santa basks in the
neon light of 66.

The celebrated Midwestern common sense manifested itself in the form of a lot of weed-benders weaving circles round us thrice, closing their eyes in holy dread and so forth, and in general giving us lots of personal space. Children were particularly dumbstruck; unshaven, unshowered, malnourished Santas are apparently outside their experience. Ditto a 6'5" elf. ("MOMMY...something's NOT RIGHT!") No one asked me to bring them anything for Christmas.
I checked Lucky's fan cowling (part of which the Official X Pit Crew had summarily torn off "because the fan was hitting it"), checked the oil, added some lead substitute to the gas tank, and got back on the highway.

"Properly Dressed"? "No Pets"?
By all rights, we belonged outside with Lucky.