Start at -- or return to -- the beginning Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth book now available
Bottle Village:
Not the Pyramids, but can handily "fill a musing hour with wonderment."
Or two hours, even.
Wagner presents his famous performance art piece, The Dustbin of History.
Wagner presents his famous performance art piece, Look I'm Just Like That Dog Statue on the Wall of Voodoo Record Covers.
Wagner pays tribute to the same old pose he did last time, at exactly the same spot.
Ninety-nine bottles of beer are the wall.
Took tons more photos, which I'll post one day when I have eight billion gigawhatsits.

Then we ate lunch at the former Nappy's coffee shop, in the very booth from which Grandma Prisbrey used to shoo people. It was "her" booth. But that lunch, it was ours.

(Gracias, as always, to Daniel Paul)

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