We went to a grocery store for sweets. In front was this security guard, with a phone to one ear, and a walkie-talkie to the other. I didn't get the camera out fast enough, but I thought maybe I could get her to re-enact it. So we drove up beside her & I asked her to hold Fake Wagner. She complied. But then I realized that if she held F.W., she wouldn't be able to hold her two phones. So I asked her to put F.W. on the ground. She complied. Then I asked her to put her phone to her ear and act as though she were talking. She complied. Then I asked her to do the same with the walkie-talkie. She complied. "Smile!" She complied. She was one compliant security officer.
You can see Fake Wag's left shoulder in the lower left of this scan. That's gen-yoo-ine photo composition, that there is.