Main Page

(How it all began)

(Casebier Call)

Visit 1: Aug97
(Burning Man)

Visit 2: Nov97
(Socal Trip)

Visit 3: Aug98
(Burning Man)

Visit 4: Apr99
(Booth Blizzard!)

Visit 5: Jul99
(Coming Soon)

Booth Mailbag
(Your Thoughts)

Press & Links

Satellite Image
of the Booth

Own Your
Own Booth

The Booth in
My Living Room

What Would You Do for an Ice Cream Bar
a Piece of Mojave Phone Booth Glass?

Dog shake

I'm not a sender of greeting cards, but who wouldn't enjoy photos of dogs shaking off water? These greeting cards were created by Jackie, whom you may remember as the donor of the tiger whisker, at the beginning of these Booth glass shenanigans.

If you are a sender of greeting cards (and who isn't?) (oh, yes; we established that I am not), here's where you go for dog shakes, felinity, and suchlike.

Next offering

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