Main Page

(How it all began)

(Casebier Call)

Visit 1: Aug97
(Burning Man)

Visit 2: Nov97
(Socal Trip)

Visit 3: Aug98
(Burning Man)

Visit 4: Apr99
(Booth Blizzard!)

Visit 5: Jul99
(Coming Soon)

Booth Mailbag
(Your Thoughts)

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Satellite Image
of the Booth

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Own Booth

The Booth in
My Living Room

What Would You Do for an Ice Cream Bar
a Piece of Mojave Phone Booth Glass?

Moody Boy Music Mix /
Shy Consortium for a Better Tomorrow

This excellent mix CD comes from Deuce pal Juan M. from Colombia.

Nice stuff, timely stuff, some of our favorite stuff.

(Btw, Juan is looking for as many examples of songs called "El Diablo" as possible. "I'll send anybody who helps out a CD filled with whatever turns out," says Juan. Send your suggestions here.)

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