Item 29 | What the Deuce?! -- Fearless Cultural Mania
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I found this book while reorganizing my library. I'd forgotten that I meant to send it to my zine pals, Tacoma band Girl Trouble. I scanned the book & e-mailed it to Girl Trouble, with the idea of later mailing the book itself to them.

(I think the guy's supposed to be sipping from a drinking fountain, but it looks more like he's drooling over red's backside, doesn't it?)

Girl Trouble, Indeed
(See also --
Book of the Week:
After I sent it, I realized I hadn't visited Girl Trouble's website in a while. I found a cool image map of the stuff in their garage with witty explanations for each object you click on.
When you click on object #16 at the center of the photo, here's the explanation you get:
16. GIRL TROUBLE PAPERBACK BOOKS - The popular Scholastic paperback "Girl Trouble" was written in 1953 by James L Summers. Girl Trouble (the band) was not named after Girl Trouble (the book) even though they can certainly appreciate such a fine title. In 1984 people started finding these books in thrift stores. They would present the book wrapped up as gifts to "surprise" the band. It started to become more difficult to act surprised even though they were pulling it off fairly well. Girl Trouble has received about 20-30 of these books and are touched that so many people would think to buy them a copy. Give them one and see how surprised they act.
