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Deuce Bass


Hi... I enjoy your site and visit often for updates..

A little story that turned out to be a reminder of My friends and I were hanging around at my house one night, when one of them picked up a deck of cards and started flinging them around, talking about his friend who could flip cards across long distances with ease. He tried a few which fluttered disappointingly to the ground a few feet in front of him.. Then he gave one more a fling, which impressively flew forward a good 10 feet before banking left toward the the wall, where it, in probably a 1-in-1,000,000 shot, turned again and snuggled safely between the wall and a pair of tuning pegs on my guitar.

I'm the kind of person who doesn't take those things lightly and freaked out at the "feat." I eventually got up to take a closer look at it and wouldn't you know it.. The card he flung was none other than the deuce of clubs, which reminded me immediately of the site.. So I snapped a couple photos and decided to send them your way.

Matt U.
Cleveland, OH



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