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Hood of Death

by Nick Carter

I think at one time there was a Nick Carter book in The Second Coming Project, but I think it got replaced, so this is by way of being an apology and also an art appreciation. That's seven "a" words in a row, for you alliteration fans out there, because there is a sort of illustration alliteration in the cover art, which takes on different aspects in heavy rotation. To wit:
The conventional Carter cover illustration is, of course, dominated by your off-the-shelf scantily-clad distressed maiden.
A quarter turn counter-clockwise changes an awkward flip into a smartly executed fighting maneuver reminiscent of my favorite Robt. Williams distressed maiden fight painting, "Dueling Bimbos."

The gravity-defying 180-degree view prefigures the fight scenes in The Matrix.

One final quarter-turn transforms a scene of violence into a surrealist homage, wherein emphasis centers on the man with the chair, in a moving tribute to Halsman's famous Dali portrait.

(Muchas gracias to Killmaster Carrie)