Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!

Glowing at the Burn

One night I was the Human Magic 8 Ball.
I wore a mask with a glowing "8" spot & a special Mystery Jumpsuit. Seekers would approach & ask a question; I would bow & briefly turn my back.

(Simulation. Duh.)

After a bright flash, I would turn to face the Seeker, who could read the glowing Magic 8 Ball answer on the front of the Mystery Jumpsuit.

Trivia: Most popular Human Magic 8 Ball answer?


* The story here: former Phoenix Suns hoopster Oliver Miller, upon returning to Phoenix for the first time as a member of the Detroit Pistons, was booed all night long by Phoenix fans. After the game, Miller was asked what he thought of Phoenix fans. "They dumb," he answered.

the man | the bike | the lager | the tour
farrah slacks | deuce glows | cherry clan rocks | psychic gum blows
the nailing of the cream | the burning of the man | the burning of the book
360 degrees of wagner
