Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!

The Whip It!'s Eye-View of the Art Car Parade

I rarely have a clear idea how these projects of mine will turn out. I merely select a trajectory and let fly.
As I drove through the parade, however, I turned to my companions and told them that this project turned out exactly as I had envisioned. For the duration of the parade, I couldn't stop grinning. (Afterwards, my face actually ached.)
As we drove the parade route, you could tell by the reaction of the crowd exactly when they'd spotted us. The archetypal power of Whipped Cream & Other Delights worked its magic. "Once again," Lady Kathy said to me, "you've put your finger right on the pulse."

I don't know about that, but I do know that as for my pulse, it was racing!

Houston punks cheer for Ben, the honorary rubber rat glued to the spot where we first saw the rat in my car. (The rubber rat was snagged by Burford from a pile of toys donated to the Caravan at the children's hospital in Albuquerque. The mechanic's name tag was from the used uniform store where Burford and I got our Cream Team pit crew jumpers.)

(Deutsche Redeutsche: Did you catch the Germans again, in the first photo?)

Main | Before | Transformation | Art Car Caravan | Art Car Ball | Art Car Parade | Aftermath