Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!

Hitting the Road

No maps, no clocks. Don't need 'em. We got the road and the sun.

We also got faulty trailer lights.

We got pulled over near Cockfight, NM or something because they weren't working. A ground wire had come loose but we didn't know that. Instead of giving us a warning so we could just go get it fixed, the jerkwater highway patrolman actually ticketed us.

The next morning in Albuquerque we stopped by a U-Haul for them to take a look. Not only are the lights screwed up, the hitch itself is incorrectly hooked up. "You're lucky you didn't lose this car!" says ABQ U-Haul guy Darryl.

The Arizona U-Haul guy who hooked it up had told us the regular hitch guy wasn't in, so he was going to "give it a shot." When Burford expressed hesitation, the guy told him not to worry, because he knew "more than any of these other guys." That's real comforting.

The Score So Far: I don't know, but the New Mexico Highway Patrol and Chandler's U-Haul get low marks.

Darryl the Albuquerque U-Haul Guy gives our hitch The Darryl Test

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