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Incredible Christian Song Demos

Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!


Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

Those Unbelievable Believers:
The Blessed Sounds of
Incredible Christian Song Demos

Brought to you by Deuce of Clubs

#16 — "We Want to Fish for Men" (1:56)

Here's the hands-down winner in the Gospel New Wave Pirate Chanty category. If I were a pirate? And totally gay? This would totally be my anthem for the next Folsom Street Fair

What it's actually about is predatory proselytization. If you're not a xtian, you're the fish. Get it?

N O T I C E   T O   S I N G E R :

If you're wanting to fish, you're gonna be needing a hook.

N O T I C E   T O   L I S T E N E R :

This song has no hook.

(Right-click to download this song)

We are the fishermen
We want, we want
We want to fish for men

Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
(Fish! Fish! Fish! Fish!)
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na
(Fish! Fish! Fish!)
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na

We are, we are, the fishermen
We want, we want, we want to fish for men
Oh how dark the ocean is
Gnashing, gnashing, gnashing, gnashing
All the weeping going on
Mothers, brothers, friends, and foes
We love them yet we let them go

We are the fishermen
We want, we want, we want to fish for men
Lifeguards we are called to be
Drowning, drowning, drowning, drowning
Oh, so many going down
Come on board and join the cruise
Jesus wants YOU

We are, we are
We are the fishermen
We want, want
We want to fish for men

Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

To Deuce of Clubs