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Incredible Christian Song Demos

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Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

Those Unbelievable Believers:
The Blessed Sounds of
Incredible Christian Song Demos

Brought to you by Deuce of Clubs

#13 — "Satan, You Lost, Lost, Lost" (0:57)

The way this guy pronounces Satan, with the tip of his tongue hitting that t in the middle like a bad Chevy lifter, it wouldn't surprise me if he was once one of those chanting Elizabeth Clare Prophet disciples and decided he wanted to be reincarnated as Roy Orbison instead, except for the having to die first and being able neither to write nor carry a discernable tune. But in contrast to some of the other singers here, at least he offers no rambling explanation. Or instrumental accompaniment. Or even much in the way of a tune. He just plows his perfunctory way in, staccatoes the lyrics like a gatling gun, and shuts off the recorder. No nonsense at all, with the exception of the entire song from start to finish. You've got to respect that.

But speaking of R-E-S-P-E-C-T and giving the devil his due, these bold gospel singers sure are oddly more courageous than the archangel Michael, smarting off to invisible demons like that. Now, I've never been to seminary, so I have no idea what anyone, whether man or angel, would think of to dispute in regard to a dead prophet's corpse, but for a better idea of how scared people get when they see the REAL AND FOR TRUE SATAN, see this documentary film. Horrifying. Satan bones Saddam, dude.

(See also: "God, Give the Devil the Measles.")

(Right-click to download this song)

Satan, you lost, lost, lost
Because Jesus whipped you at the cross, cross, cross
You're defeated, Satan
You've been beaten, beaten, beaten
Because of the Lord, your lunch was eaten, eaten, eaten

And when you feel the temptation of the devil
Try not to let yourself get worried and disheveled
Remind old Satan that he has been defeated
Because God's work at Calvary has been completed

You're defeated, Satan
Might as well cry, cry, cry
Because of Calvary you were hung out to dry
Admit it, Satan: your ticket's been punched
Because at Golgotha you were crunched, crunched, crunched

And when you feel the temptation of the devil
Try not to let yourself get worried and disheveled
Remind old Satan that he has been defeated
Because God's work at Calvary has been completed

Totally how another crazy piece of religious music got started

To Deuce of Clubs