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Load your clothespin match gun with a *wooden* strike-anywhere match.

(Sure, you might be able to get a paper match to light, but it won't fly like a wooden one will. Plus, it might get stuck in your gun, and catch it on fire, causing you to drop it, and you might forget how to make another, and these pages may not be up forever, and you'll be squatting clothespinmatchgunless on the smoking site of your former house, which you burned down like a total dumbass, all because you were too cheap to buy wooden matches instead of cadging free book matches from the convenience store.)

You may find that getting your gun both to light and shoot the matches takes some tinkering. If it shoots matches but doesn't light them, try making sure you load the match toward the left side of the gun (looking at it from the shooter's point of view), because that is where the spring arm (our ersatz firing pin) is. You might also try adjusting how far back into the gun you insert the match.

Then again, your clothespin match gun might work right away. Only one way to find out...

You may fire when ready, Gridley.