About four miles down U.S. 60, I stopped to check on my compatriots, something I can't do while pulling BOB. See, besides being a handy pack-mule, BOB had the additional feature of acting as a damn gyroscope, making it difficult for me to turn around while riding--at least without dropping the whole rig on the pavement.I stopped in front of a small pizza place & waited. B & G showed up a while later. Gail suggests stopping for pizza. Sure, Gail--we've only got about ninety miles ahead of us. Why not have lunch after four miles?!?
Burford & Gail decide it's time for their lives to change. Burford vows to take up regular physical exercise; Gail vows to give up smoking. This sounds great for the future. It doesn't look good for today.
Nevertheless, after a short rest, we set off again.