Hello? (How it all began)
Huh? (Casebier Call)
Visit 1: Aug97 (Burning Man)
Visit 2: Nov97 (Socal Trip)
Visit 3: Aug98 (Burning Man)
Visit 4: Apr99 (Booth Blizzard!)
Visit 5: Jul99 (Coming Soon)
Booth Mailbag (Your Thoughts)
Press & Links (MediaWhoredom)
Satellite Image of the Booth
Own Your Own Booth
The Booth in My Living Room
I was really, really tempted to take this rusted Aikens sign home with me. It's been in the bushes who knows how long. But I figured that wouldn't be right, so instead I only brought home this photo.
The only Mojave souvenirs I brought back were this bone . . .
. . . and a lunchpail full of official Mojave Desert Phone Booth glass, perfect for a mosaic.
Click the image for an enlargement.