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Vegas Vic

Swandog writes:

Why is it the best things are shut down? These cards are from the now bankrupted Pioneer club.

Casinos "sell-off" previously played cards after they drill a hole through them or "clip" the corners to ensure the card won't be played again. These are not those cards. These have never been used. The property went under right when they were being delivered. Note the 50th anniversary mark, talk about bum luck.

Vegas Vic was the Pioneer Club's icon. He later went on to "appear" in several movies and become an icon of Vegas. Every 30 seconds his mechanics would blare "Howdy Partner, welcome to Downtown Las Vegas." One night it got too much for Lee Marvin who was sleeping at the neighboring Horseshoe Casino. Lee shot him. Old Vic survived and in a recent attempt to revitalize Downtown, local authorities staged a wedding and married him to Vegas Vickie (some say Downtown Dolly) across the street.

Soon afterwards Vic's lights went out. Today he's in storage and the club is closed. A few have talked about getting the club opened, but I think it's mainly talk.

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