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What Would You Do for an Ice Cream Bar
a Piece of Mojave Phone Booth Glass?

Hardest working man in dough bidness

Lazlo Nibble writes:

Speaking of "Cool Americans" ... I submit this (long since eaten) bag of cookies for the Booth Glass Bonanza. They were bought five or six years back from Pic-N-Save, which implies that they were already a failed product even then.

For the record, the "Chocolate Chip Feel Goodeez" were eclipsed in nastiness only by the "French Vanilla Creameez" -- not even the French deserved the association!

Please enjoy this slightly less HEAVY bag with my compliments!


Do you suppose this pledge is from before or after the Godfather's high-speed flight from justice?

(We're asking only because "We Care." No, really.)

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