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Save the Cima Cinder Mine

The following is a suggested message you can send to:

Senator Diane Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510
Rep. Richard Pombo
1519 House of Representatives
US House of Rep.
Washington D.C. 20515

As a citizen of the USA, I am concerned about the recent dealings of an agency of the Federal Government -- namely, the National Parks Service (NPS) under the Department of the Interior. The NPS has abruptly and unjustly closed down the family-owned Cima Cinder Mine, in the East Mojave National Preserve, California. I am asking that you, as a representative of the people, look into this matter and see that the Cima Cinder Mine is reopened immediately.

On August 10, 1999, the NPS closed down the operation of the Cima Cinder Mine, which the Ray family has operated for over 50 years. The NPS claims to have closed down this mine because of a threatened lawsuit against them by the Western Mining Project (WMP). The WMP threatened to sue the NPS for allowing the Cima Cinder Mine to operate under alleged claims against the Endangered Species Act. These claims have not been proven. The WMP also claimed that the Cima Cinder Mine was not operating with a permanent Plan of Operation. The Ray family has, in fact, completed all paper work to comply with everything the NPS asked for to get a permanent Plan of Operation -- to no avail. Instead of working with the Ray family, the National Park Service's quick answer to the lawsuit was simply to close down the mine. This action by the NPS is brazen and suspicious.

I write this to you not only out of concern for the Ray family but as a citizen concerned about how the Federal Government handles its dealings with its citizens. Again, I ask that you take direct action to see that the Federal Government does the right thing by the Ray Family and reopen the Cima Cinder Mine.

I respectfully request a confirmation/response to this letter.


[Your name]

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