Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!

Main Page

(How it all began)

(Casebier Call)

Visit 1: Aug97
(Burning Man)

Visit 2: Nov97
(Socal Trip)

Visit 3: Aug98
(Burning Man)

Visit 4: Apr99
(Booth Blizzard!)

Visit 5: Jul99
(Coming Soon)

Booth Mailbag
(Your Thoughts)

Press & Links

Satellite Image
of the Booth

Own Your
Own Booth

The Booth in
My Living Room

Lots of planes fly over the Mojave, especially those flying between LA and Vegas.

They might not know the Booth is here.

Photo by Krishna
Now there is a nice, white, 15-foot high message for pilots, hang-gliders, and wayward seagulls.

(If you don't fall into one of those categories, I will tell you that the sign says, "PHONE!")

At Mark's suggestion, we saved ourselves some work by using the quartz pile itself for the "O."

You can see Krishna's photos of this masterwork.