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Naturally, there was the burying of more totemistic objects.
Krishna demonstrates his justifiable pride at being a good shovel man.
Among the objects buried were:
- A copy of Whipped Cream & Other Delights
- A "Mojave Girl" postcard and fake precious stone (acquired from Brody Culpepper's parents)
- An empty Barbasol can, a remnant of Burning Man 98 shenanigans
- A container full of cardhouse.com popsicle sticks
- A bottle containing a copy of Ralph, cover by Tecopa Jane
- Krishna's fuzzy bunny bank labeled EMERGENCY PHONE FUND (containing a dime and a quarter)
- An empty bottle of my favorite Mexican soda, "Joya"
- A number of Krishna's coin-bearing plastic eggs
- And some other stuff that must've got in there, too