Hello? (How it all began)
Huh? (Casebier Call)
Visit 1: Aug97 (Burning Man)
Visit 2: Nov97 (Socal Trip)
Visit 3: Aug98 (Burning Man)
Visit 4: Apr99 (Booth Blizzard!)
Visit 5: Jul99 (Coming Soon)
Booth Mailbag (Your Thoughts)
Press & Links (MediaWhoredom)
Satellite Image of the Booth
Own Your Own Booth
The Booth in My Living Room
Instead of making camp, I talked on the phone. Next to
arrive was Tecopa Jane, who drove up as I spoke to Livi in Salt Lake. Livi
had planned to make the trek, but had been stopped by auto trouble. (She
would not be the first.)
Jane's an artist / cartoonist -- here's her excellent rendering of
Josephine Baker. |
It was cold, cold, cold. Apparently an Alaskan air mass
had been pushed down the coast. Jane set up her tent & I slept in the
back of the pickup, under a tarp and three sleeping bags. Around three
in the morning, I awoke to hear voices. I emerged from my cocoon to see Krishna and Mark Simple, who had left the
Bay Area around 7 or so in the evening. I told them, "At first I thought you were just random goofs. Then I realized you had to be specific goofs."
I was very sleepy.
And cold. If I'd been a convict on the run, I'd have turned myself in for a cup of hot soup. I was somewhat warmed just knowing that we'd already broken last year's Booth Attendance Record by one.
But not warm enough. "Anyone got a match? I'm going to light myself on fire." I was still very sleepy. I crawled back under my tarp, which rained condensation on my head, and tried to get back to sleep.
Photo by Tecopa Jane
When the sun came up, it was sign dedication time. I had brought along a real estate sign, left over from when my parents
bought their house almost thirty years ago. It had sat in their backyard
ever since. I painted it yellow and brought more paint so that I could
make a nice Mojave Phone Booth sign that might dissuade people from firing
any more gunshots at it. |
Jane's an artist, so I figured it was better to let her
handle the artistic stuff. I hope the message works. Maybe people will
shoot the sign, instead. |