Item 169 | What the Deuce?! -- Fearless Cultural Mania
I know. I shall call them PING ... and PONG. Yes. Ping and Pong, the Ping-Pong Playing Pandas. Perfect.
Pocket ping-pong paddles pooh-pooh pocket pool.
Startle your opponent into helpless mesmeristical ping-pong confusion with this intriguing ninja-inspired over-the-breast design.
What is it? What does it mean?? KA-CHOOM, ball flies right past you.
You are humiliated.
[Mesmeristical®, Ping-Pong Confusion®, and KA-CHOOM® are Registered® Trademarks® of Ping® and Pong®, the Ping-Pong Playing Pandas®. All rights reserved. ®®®.]
Ping-Pong robe
Everyone needs a ping-pong robe.
If this is not Excellent Active Super Amusive Play, I don't know what is.