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"I Shit My Pants":
Spontaneous Ancient Literary Structure in Modern Colloquial Speech

by Clark Cooley, Ph.DL.DD.

Part VI: Call for submissions

"I Shit My Pants" source file
(WAV format)

NOTE: The WAV file is provided for creative and analytical use only. If you wish merely to listen to the source call, please conserve bandwidth by downloading the mp3 file instead.

How to download the WAV file:

Download instructions are dependent upon your browser, settings, and audio players.

Typically, if you click the link above, the WAV file will play in your browser. To save the WAV file, right-click on the link and choose "Save as", "Save target as," or your browser's equivalent and choose the folder on your disk in which you want to save it.


In the interest of furthering the advancement of learning and increasing research efforts aimed toward interdisciplinary understanding of the phenomenon at hand, we invite the contribution of original creative work addressing these areas, especially those that utilize the multi-media capabilities afforded by electronic publication.

Submissions should be aimed at a multidisciplinary audience and and should explore empirical and theoretical issues raised by the primary text and shed light on the source material by the direct use, manipulation, or re-arrangement of that material. This might be accomplished by, for example, translating the primary text into a musical setting, by the sampling of the source material itself, or by some other method or combination of methods. (For the benefit of sampling, the original recording is made available in .wav format, which should yield results of a somewhat higher-quality than the .mp3. For download instructions, see the box at right.)

Submitted pieces will undergo blind peer review, with special consideration being given to significant empirical work that challenges conventional wisdoms. We encourage a wide variety of perspectives, approaches and methods. Submissions will be posted here to receive the wider appreciation and criticism customarily afforded scholarly works. (No honoraria or remuneration.)

For purposes of the project, there is no limit of length for submissions; creators of longer works, however, may be asked to host, or find a host for them, for purposes of scholarly sharing via direct linkage from this site. Also, for works larger than 5MB or so, please email in advance.

Continue to the Submissions page


To Deuce of Clubs