Speed limit is 70 in TX and NM, 75 in AZ--but it appears that 60 is my Texas escape velocity. Whip It! seems to falter at half a tank, so I hit a gas station about every 60 or 70 miles. (Yeah, that's a half tank for me. Nice mileage, huh?) In aeronautical terms, I'm puddle-jumping.
I'm buying the highest octane fuel available. I'm drinking a lot of ginseng tea. I'm meeting lots of people. One fellow in Sierra Blanca is the first person who's not surprised to hear about distributor shaft pins shearing off. He favors the worn cam theory.
Maybe Whip It! & I have some sort of a Golden Bough - From Ritual to Romance sort of an arrangement going on here. Like in Excalibur or Apocalypse Now. When I'm feeling beat, Whip It! also seems sluggish. Fortunately, I'm feelin pretty good right now, & Whip It! seems to be doing okay.