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Cardinal Godfried Danneels, Archbishop of Mechelen-Brussels
The Upside: Has "God" in his first name. Considered by some to be a close second in the running; this could give him the papacy as a "compromise" candidate.
The Downside: Apparently, he needs to fix the "N" and "E" keys on his keyboard.

[According to Babelfish: "Fact is, however, that our eerwaarde man even has an admirer on the other hand of the large water puddle pool."]

Belgian experts give Danneels only an outside chance, if his fellow cardinals cannot agree on one of the front-runners from Italy or Latin America. ``If that fails, then they will look for compromise figure and the name of Cardinal Danneels comes up,'' said Rik Torfs, professor of church law at the Catholic University of Leuven. ``The longer the conclave lasts, the greater the chances of Danneels become.''

An unofficial site dedicated to Cardinal Godfried Daneels of Belgium pushes him forward as a possible papal successor.
"The next time the white smoke wafts its curly way from the Vatican chimney to heaven, let's all hope the holy skywriting spells DANNEELS," it declares.

La guerra ha comenzado: El fenómeno fan comienza a dejarse ver en el mundo de los papables. Un hombre ha comenzado una campaña por el cardenal belga Godfried Dannels, porque comparten apellido. En se puede leer "La guerra por el Papado ha comenzado". Allí mismo se explican las razones por las que Daneels debe convertirse en el próximo Papa e incluso puede encontrarse un autógrafo del "próximo Papa".

Un hombre inició una campaña por el cardenal belga Godfried Danneels porque comparten un apellido: "La próxima vez que la fumata blanca se eleve ondulante desde la chimenea del Vaticano hasta el cielo, esperemos que el sagrado humo deletree ¡DANNEELS!", dice la web

Unofficial fan sites spring up: Other potential popes, such as Austrian Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, publish sermons, essays and favourite quotes online, while fans of some Princes of the Church have set up unofficial Web sites to promote their favourites.
One man started a campaign for Belgian Cardinal Godfried Danneels because they share a surname:

"The next time the white smoke wafts its curly way from the Vatican chimney to heaven, let's all hope the holy skywriting spells DANNEELS!" says the site.

Emisión especial de la TotusTuus Network: (mmmpphh! XD) La carrera por ocupar el sillón más caro del mundo ha comenzado. Hagan sus apuestas! Le gusta el amigo "FRITO :) por Dios"?