Autographed copies of Adventures with the Mojave Phone Booth are now available!
I had predicted a dozen people would show up at the Booth. There were ten visitors. Ten hardy, hardened souls. (Hardy HAR!) In the manner of small town welcome signs whose "Pop. 96" signs include dogs, cats, and Protestants, I'm including three reporters and a park ranger.

(There were several who were prevented from attending by automotive disaster: Livi & crew, two women from San Diego, and "Bonnie," whoever that was. In addition, Neil & crew from San Diego overcame car trouble, only to get lost in the blizzard on the wrong side of I-15.)

But even with the Blizzard Bugout episode, we took almost 200 phone calls. So thanks to everyone for the phone calls, the photos, & the fun.


Another perspective on the Booth99 experience.

And another. [404]

Or, try and find out what in blazes this is all about anyhow.